Monday, January 23, 2012

Getting out and about in Greenville

So just when we thought we had made it through the germ cloud, we took another hit. Tom, who had been feeling 'ok' through all of our other ailments caught up to the pack. What started as just a head cold, turned into a horrible sinus infection. We had another man down! I brought out the Lysol again and hoped for some warm enough weather to open up the windows and air out! GERMS BE GONE!!!

Since returning from our Christmas trip, my goal has been to get out, see Greenville, meet people, become part of the community. However, 2 sick kids, a sick self and then a sick husband has left us all stuck in the house.  As the 3rd week of someone being sick began, I started to have this crazy feeling start to build up inside me. I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE! I was hoping for some "alone" time out during the weekend, but with Tom being sick, I ended up running my errands with the boys. Tom worked for a few hours on Monday morning and I planned to be ready to go to the gym as soon as he returned. I just needed to clear my head, do something for myself-ALONE. He came home feeling miserable, but seeing me sitting on the floor of the playroom twitching, he knew I had to get out too. I made a dash for the door and it was perfect. Just what my body and soul needed. I let the music take over and I was able to clear my head as the sweat poured down my face. I decided during that workout time, that we were going to get OUT this week. 

Tuesday morning I made what has become my weekly, Tuesday morning call to the pediatricians office. I took what has also become our usual 11am appointment. I thought for sure Will had another ear infection. He had been up the past few nights a number of times, crying and difficult to get back to sleep. I noticed him doing the classic ear pull too. Of course, my mind was racing way ahead of where we were as we drove to the appointment-did this mean he was going to have to have tubes? What antibiotic were we going to try this time? Is this because of the way that I wash his hair? Thankfully, all the panicking going on in my head for put to rest when the doctor gave us the good and bad news of the visit. The good news-NO EAR INFECTION, his ears look great, all healed up, lungs sounded great too! The bad news-HE IS A CON ARTIST! He has been conning me! Over the past few weeks of him being sick, he has not been sleeping through the night. A huge change to what we are all used to. Of course, because he was sick, I would get up with him immediately, not let him cry very much. Give him a breathing treatment and end up nursing him to settle him down and get him back to sleep. The doctor informed me  I had created this little night monster and now it was up to me to break this bad habit if I wanted my good nights sleep back. Knowing that he was fine, definitely was going to make this easier. So far we have had good nights and bad nights. I will hope for more good nights to come. :)

Wednesday was a breakthrough day for us! I had done some Internet searches and found the library near us had a story time on Wednesday mornings. I had tried a number of times when we were in Providence to go out and attend one of these, but I always found something "better" to do. As I said before, my workout gave me the push I needed to get us out of the house and find a way to meet people. We were going to story time. I got Jack all excited and even gently woke Will up from a nap to attend. We walked into the library, using our quiet voices, and found the children's section. It was full of toddlers and preschoolers reading books, playing on computers, playing with toys, toddling around. It was great! We entered the story time room and found a perfect spot on the floor. The next 40 minutes were filled with stories and songs and dancing and INSTRUMENTS. It was loud, it was crazy, it was amazing. Jack, our sensitive little one, took it all in quietly, getting embarrassed for ME when I started to sing along, or dance. Will stood in my lap and "danced" and squealed with delight and clapped. He had a ball. I loved watching the two of them. I loved looking around and seeing other moms like me. I love that the whole ride home Will kept saying "clap, clap, clap" and that Jack could retell one of stories that we heard. I love that we went. I was so proud of myself for doing something new. I hope that by going every week, some of the faces will become familiar and that we can make some new friends. I am putting myself out there-my biggest challenge. 

We let the South Carolina sunshine spill over us on Wednesday afternoon with a trip to the playground and a snack on the driveway. The windows were open and the house was aired out. Jack and I investigated how a worm wiggles and moves it's way back into the soil while Will took his afternoon nap. It was a marvelous day. 

As the week comes to an end we are all looking forward to feeling better, getting out more and really seeing what South Carolina has for us. We know that our family and friends back in RI are bundling up and shoveling snow. We hope to send some of the warm sunshine home to them soon.

Pictures to come soon....just have to dust off the camera! 

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