Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bampa Doc comes from Florida

We were fortunate to have another visitor come and see us in the month of June. Bampa Doc drove up from Florida to spend a week with us. Since I am waaaaay behind in my posts I will try to wrap up the details quickly and let the pictures do the talking. We had a few hot days in the beginning of his stay, but nothing he wasn't used to from living in South Florida. We spent a lot of the mornings inside playing and the afternoons at the pool. Jack loved having a someone to play with in the big pool. They went on all kinds of adventures as he rode on Bampa Doc's back through the water. I was able to have Will in the kiddie pool so everyone was happy. Bampa Doc bought Jack a snorkel and mask which he thought was very cool-until he tried to put the mask on. It was too smelly for him! Jack (and Will) played with the snorkel in the kiddie pool, taking turns filling it up with water and blowing into it to shoot the water in the air. Unfortunately, I do not have enough hands at the pool to both swim and take pictures. 

During one of the first days of his visit, Bampa Doc showed Jack the proper technique for car washing as they both gave my car a much needed bath. Before they started he asked me, "Is Jack strong enough to work the trigger on the hose attachment?" "Just wait and see I said." In the end, Bampa Doc and the trees ended up the most wet! Jack can work the hose JUST FINE! I later explained that if Jack gets a hold of the hose, Tom and I end up soaking wet in an epic battle to get to the faucet to shut off the water or try and regain control of the hose. He LOVES soaking us!

Filling up the bucket.

Getting his first lesson.

"I'm going to add just a little more water."

Shiny and clean.

Wash, wash

Rinse time.
The days were hot, but we were still able to be outside. We ran around, played catch, rode bikes and explored the backyard. Jack drove Bampa Doc's car around the circle and they played a game of "Find a ______ color car." Jack chose yellow as the color in one round of the game, but after quite some time they had to give up. Not too many yellow cars pass by here I guess. Will, although short and tiny, kept Bampa Doc on his toes. He walked all the way to the end of the cul-de-sac and just as Bampa Doc caught up to him, he doubled back and headed back towards the street. He had us all laughing. 

Trying to make a run for it. 

Just when he wasn't looking, Will doubled back to make his escape.

If only my legs were a little longer....

But I can still ring this bell....

Finally some cooperation!
Thank you Bampa Doc for driving up from Florida to see us and spend a week with us. It was crazy, but fun. We loved having you visit and look forward to our Skype dates and another visit soon.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fun with Gramma and Poppa

The time is just slipping away. I feel this more so now that I have a job and a start date and therefore an end date to my fun, carefree time at home with the boys. I am both excited and sad, to start this next chapter of our lives but we still have a lot more things going on between now and then.

Let's catch up first.....

Two weeks ago Gramma and Poppa made the 2 day drive to see us for a few days. We were so excited to have them back in SC and get to have so many days to share with them. They arrived late on Saturday night and stayed with us until Thursday morning. Our time together was very relaxing. We had little planned and let each day unfold as it wanted to. I was lucky to have them here so that I could take the morning to go to my interview and run a few errands as well as hit the gym each morning and let the boys stay home to play. The weather cooperated while they were here with temperatures in the low 80's but no humidity and a nice mix of rainy days and nice days. Poppa and Tom drove up I-85 to "the best place to buy fireworks" (per Tom) and bought out the store. They are crazy! We went downtown on Sunday afternoon to check out a Greenville Drive baseball game (they are a class A affiliate of the Red Sox-how perfect!), grab some dinner and an ice cream treat. Tom and I also enjoyed a date night out for dinner and it happened to coordinate perfectly with me accepting my new job! We tried out a restaurant in downtown Greer called Bin 112. It had great atmosphere and a stellar menu. An added bonus was 25% off bottles of wine on Wednesdays (the day of the week WE WENT!). The wine was delicious and we finished the meal off with S'Mores at our table. We will definitely be returning! This also gave us an opportunity to check out downtown Greer a little more. The downtown is very small, maybe 5 blocks total with shops and restaurants. Everything we saw was very cute and clean too. Again, I am sure we will venture downtown (about 5 minutes from our house) a little more to check this out with the boys in the future.

Now that is a man on a mission.

Go Drive!

 And how hard is it to get a family shot...I am including all of these to demonstrate....:)

Maybe with my new Photoshop I can somehow make these 4 shots into ONE good one of all of us!

Thank you Poppa for those pictures on your new camera!

And here are a few more from MY camera.

All the boys....

Reedy Rip'it, the frog mascot (Wally's distant cousin?)

Poppa and Jack

Perfect for a little 7th inning stretch (although we only made it about 3 innings).

Jack did NOT miss this fun on the way out. The whole play space is shaded by the canopy so the equipment was actually nice and cool. 

Gramma and Poppa made a nice little vacation of the ride back to RI too. They stopped overnight in Virginia Beach and then again in Baltimore for an Orioles game at Camden Yards. We were so happy that they came down to see us again. It seems like we have had a very steady stream of visitors since we moved. To the point that one of my friends remarked-"You should start granting Meehan Rewards Points." This has definitely helped us acclimate and be excited about our new area. We are at the 6 month mark since we moved here. I can't believe that much time has already gone by! All in all we are loving living here. Certainly we miss our friends and family back in RI, but SC has welcomed us with open arms and we have sunk right in for a big hug. We truly love downtown Greenville and have tried to take advantage of all that it has to offer. The weather makes it very easy to love life here too. Our community is very family oriented and coupled with the friendliness of the people we have really been made to feel welcome. The boys and I enjoy the Y we joined almost everyday and have really made some nice friends through there. Our pool always has some new faces (but it never seems to be super busy) to meet and play with. So even though my time off is quickly coming to a close we have definitely made the most of our move and will continue to be excited to see what SC has to offer us. We want to be here and are happy that it has been such a nice fit.