Friday, June 8, 2012

Miscellaneous updates...


So we have had another wonderful week. We were blessed with a visit from Poppa and Gramma who drove from RI to SC to visit us for a few days. There will be more about that in another post. I am just clearing my mind of clutter and adding in a few pictures I have taken prior to our visitors coming.

First, I have to share my big news. I had an interview this week and was offered the job! I am thrilled to have accepted this position. I will be working at Spartanburg Regional Hospital. A level 1 Trauma center about 30 minutes from our house. It is the farthest I will have ever commuted to work, but still very, very manageable. I will be working in the PACU (recovery room) and cross train to work in the pre admission holding area too. I have had the opportunity to take this position as a per diem-I do not have set hours, but essentially fill in the 'holes' in the schedule. This gives me the flexibility to pick the days I want to work and to work as little or much as I want. I am happy to hear from the staff that they do use the per diem staff a lot and that there will be enough hours for me to pick up. It is definitely a different kind of nursing than working in the ICU, but I am excited for the challenge and the change. I start July 23rd. More to come.....

I have to also take a minute to thank my friend Julie of Letters to My Little Love for giving my little blog a shout out on hers after I made and sent a dress to her daughter Emma. I am so happy to hear that Emma loved her dress! I was happy to put the love into it to create it for her.

Second, an update on our post Binky Fairy life. Week one was.....challenging. As I mentioned here, one of MY issues with taking the binky away was the change that would be made to our nearly flawless bedtime routine, but it had to be done. So here we week with NO BINKIES. There have been a few (a very few) tears, a singular request at bedtime (phrased as a reminder, really) for the binkies, and MANY, MANY trips down stairs followed quickly with "I can't sleep, can I stay up a few minutes longer." In the end, one of us ends up laying down with him in his bed until he falls asleep. Looks like we have just traded one bad habit for another. The good news is he is sleeping in his own bed (not migrating to ours at 2am) all night. The bad news is he isn't falling asleep until extreme exhaustion has set in between 9:30 and 10:00pm, while Tom or I also fall asleep in his bed. It doesn't help that the sun does not set here until after 9pm and so the bedroom is filled with light even at a normal "late" bedtime of 8:30pm. These late nights have a bad side effect-the afternoon crankies the next day. Whining-one of my favorite forms of communication and tears seem to start at about 2pm but can be put to rest with some clever distractions. I know it is only a stage and we will make it to the other side and look back at this and laugh some day. Some day.

Have I mentioned that we have a blankie boy? Will is obsessed with this soft, but thick and HOT fleece blankie. He pulls it through the rungs of the crib and lays with it on the floor. He drags it everywhere. It is so cute. If he is having a bad day a little snuggle is all he needs to feel better.

Lastly, I have been trying to remember to write down all the crazy, cute and shocking things that I hear Jack say as well as a list of what Will says to us now. Of course there are many, many more that I just can never seem to remember when I am sitting here staring at the computer screen. So here it is....

Jack says:

"Can you get out the guitar so I can jam?"
"GO Jack, Go Jack" (as he is dancing)
"Isn't that strange..." (referring to something "not seeming right" to him)
"Mommy, we don't say that word, do we?" (pointing out someone else 'misbehaving') (usually in reference to the words stupid, idiot, or shut up)
"Look at this kid" (Will misbehaving)
"Last-derday"= Yesterday
"....junk in the trunk..." (I found out he was quoting a line from Gnomeo and Juliet)

Will says:
"Cheese" (especially upon entry to the grocery store)
"Mommy"/ "Mama"
"Ja" (for Jack)
"Che" (Cheers, while holding his sippy up for a 'clink', followed by a sip and "Aaahh")
"This" while pointing to EVERYTHING
"Whose that?" (but i don't know how to write it out like he says it, that is what he means anyway)
"What's this?/What's that?"

Here are some pictures of last weeks shenanigans....

Completely IN the water table, taking a 'nap'. If you look closely there is a 'water blanket' on him. 

Jack's favorite part of the pop-the joke. Even though he doesn't get the puns, he still laughs.


And a quick preview of a few from the photo shoot I tried to do for Will's One Year pictures. Now I just need to figure out how to work Photoshop!

Have a great weekend!! I will be back to share our visit with Gramma and Poppa!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your week's joys with us. Once again, the text makes me laugh, giggle and miss all of you. The pictures put a smile on my heart and remind me how special these two little boys ate to so many.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Love KayKay
