We have been very blessed with wonderful weather for the past few weeks. Yes, there have been cool mornings and there have been days filled with pouring rain, but then there is the most wonderful sunshine. Sunshine and bright blue cloudless skies that call to you from inside to be out and about and to take it all in. We have answered that call and spent as many moments outside as we can. We go in at dinner time with "fun" under our fingernails, pink cheeks and covered in a mix of bubble mix and sweat and dirt. It is PERFECT.
Jack "hiding" inside a big box in the garage. Peek a Boo, I found you! |
My boy has figured this bubble blowing thing out. |
I feel like sunshine and bubbles go hand in hand. I know I have written about them before and how we love them and they make us smile. The truth is, I just can't get sick of them! Last year, Jack would "blow bubbles" by sticking the whole stick in his mouth. He would then sputter and spit out the bubble mix and drop the stick to the ground. Now, he is a pro. Just the right amount of air, just the right amount of space between his lips and the wand. He even tried to entertain Will with the bubbles (but was about an inch from Will's face, so he got sprayed with bubble mix or had the bubbles form and instantly pop in a cascade across his little face)-not so successful. I can't wait for him to teach Will how to do it too.
This weekend, we ventured to downtown Greenville to explore. Tom and Jack had taken Kay Kay here when she was visiting and I was home with my ear infection and Will. I was very excited to see what was down there.
There is a huge suspension walking bridge across an amazing water fall and park called Reedy Falls Park. |
The day was gorgeous. Perfect for walking around and seeing the sights. We found Reedy Falls Park and it was amazing. There is a huge waterfall with this amazing pedestrian suspension bridge over it. All under and around the falls is green grass perfect for picnicking. There are restaurants with indoor and outdoor seating and even some live music. There were people everywhere!
Relaxing, enjoying the view...with only one shoe on-classic Will. |
A view down Main Street. |
A late lunch at Carolina Ale House |
A Mum-Mum Tongue.
We window shopped and cruised up and down Main Street. We stopped for a late lunch (the kids had eaten at home before we left) at Carolina Ale House. The place was a perfect stop. Lots of sports paraphernalia decorated the walls (Clemson and USC of course) and there were large TV's broadcasting many different sporting events all over the walls. The boys had plenty to look at and keep them entertained while we enjoyed our lunch. Jack surprised us and practically licked his plate clean and then asked for dessert! Aaah fresh air stimulates an appetite in even the pickiest of eaters. He was rewarded with some M&M's from the Mast General Store and we all left happy campers.
It was a perfect Saturday.
As we drove home, I was filled with such excitement about getting to know this downtown area, the shops, the restaurants. It was exactly what I had been hoping for when I knew we were moving. I wanted an area that had a "cute downtown". A place we could take visitors, that we could explore ourselves, somewhere that broke free from the mall and places like Chilis' and Ruby Tuesdays and other chain restaurants. This was it! All of a sudden I realized that we were not here for the day to visit-but that this is ours!
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