We have enjoyed pumpkin pancakes, warm coffee on a chilly morning and hung up a cinnamon broom to fill the house with "fall-like" scents. We finally ate our way through all of our apples that we picked at the orchards too. Our pumpkins have been carved. Our costumes picked out for Halloween. We are ready for all that the month has in store for us.
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Halloween T's! |
"Go use the potty, I can tell you have to pee." I instructed him.
"I can't." was his response.
"I don't want to see that band aid on my leg. I had a shot you know."
"Fine, come here." and I removed the band aid. "There is nothing to see-go pee."
"Ok, I will just keep my eyes shut."
"Jack, if I find pee all over my bathroom, I am NOT going to be happy."
He is so dramatic!!
While Tom suffered at the doctor's flu clinic, I was out getting my hair done. Enjoying some time by myself and some pampering. I took a big step and got rid of all the blond I had and went brunette. I love my new hair. The color is light golden brown and it is perfect. I feel like it looks healthier and classier. I was so sick of the blond highlights followed by really dark roots. It was a great change for the change in seasons!
Jack had a play date with Bella (our neighbor). She came over and helped us to decorate and eat some Halloween cookies. Jack LOVED having her at our house. It was a special morning treat!
The daycare has had a full calendar this month too. We celebrated "Wear Pink" day for breast cancer awareness and I made t shirts for the boys to wear. My aunt Kathy was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and has had a tremendous battle! She went through surgery, radiation and chemo and has come out swinging. She has been given the happy news of clear scans and blood work and is working hard at getting her life back to normal! We are so happy for her and this news. I made a little dedication to her on the back of the shirts with an "I <3 KW".
The week leading up to Halloween was also named-"Spirit Week". There was PJ day on Monday. I was so excited to pull out the Halloween PJs that have been passed down to us and worn for many PJ Halloween days by Jack and the other cousins in past years. Will wore his proudly with his orange crocs but Jack refused telling me- "Mom, you can't wear PJ's to school. You have to wear regular clothes." This was followed by crazy hat day. Jack and Will worn a tiger and raccoon winter hats, but it got to be over 80 by the afternoon, so it didn't last long. Finally, on Friday I had them wear Halloween t shirts instead of their costumes to school. Jack was disappointed that he did not get to wear his costume (I thought it would be too hard to go to the bathroom in during the day) and told me that the shirts were "not that cool" when I replied "But you got to wear your cool Halloween shirts." Oh well!
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PJ Day |
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Jack took this picture. |
Friday night was the Fall Festival. Jack and I returned to the daycare dressed in costume for games, a bouncy house, trunk or treating and a haunted house. It was PACKED and so fun. Each classroom had 2 different games set up for the kids and when you "won" (or not) you got to pick out a piece of candy. Jack loved running from room to room, seeing the teachers dressed up, playing games and collecting candy. We saw some of his classmates dressed up too. There was a chili cook off in the cafeteria and you could buy hot dog plates too. We ate at home, so we were able to just play games. Jack tried out the bouncy house, but got out when it got too crazy. He loved the trunk or treating (a bunch of families decorated their cars and handed out candy from the back). We returned home with a plastic pumpkin filled with treats. Will had a little fever when we were getting ready to go so he and Daddy stayed home.
Halloween was a crazy night! I worked and got home around 6:00. Tom picked the kids up at daycare and was at home giving them dinner and answering the door for trick or treaters when I arrived. The boys were so excited. Every time the door bell rang, they abandoned their food and ran to the door. We had the gate set up at the doorway and Will loved standing there to greet the trick or treaters with a "Hi" and a "Buh Bye." Jack thought it was so fun to see all the costumes too (although at first he was worried we were giving away his goodies from the Fall Festival). Once they ate "enough" we got them dressed, while still answering the door, and set out our bowl of candy with a little note. We headed out into the neighborhood. The temperature was the mildest I have ever trick or treated in (60's). It was perfect. Will dressed as a monster, refused to wear the hat part of his costume, loved carrying his bucket and going up the doors. Jack, dressed as Ironman, was so excited by everything around him. He was looking all around at all the kids running to and fro, the decorations at the houses and at his own bucket of candy. He proudly and loudly said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" at each house we went to. He loved getting to ring the doorbell too. We went to about 10 houses and then headed home. Our bowl at home was empty. We shut off the lights and got ready for bed. (Will's big surgery was early the next day).
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"You look ridiculous...." |
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