Friday, March 9, 2012

Gramma and Poppa Come to Town

This past weekend we were greeted with some very special visitors. Gramma and Poppa flew in on Saturday for a long weekend with us. We were all very excited for their arrival! A tornado on Friday night threatened our fun! SC was fine, but Charlotte got hit and Tom was on call. A phone call at 4:45am told us that he was going to be working for most of Saturday and that the following week could get increasingly more busy. We prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. The first order of business was juggling the airport pick up with Jack's swim lessons. In the end, Tom was in the area just when we needed him and was able to pick up Gramma and Poppa and welcome them to our new home. I took Jack to his swim lesson with Will in tow. Jack saw Miss Ana and was instantly at ease. He was in the water like a pro (well, more like an improved version from last week-excited to be there and participate). We met Gramma and Poppa back at the house and enjoyed a day of playing together. Jack took Gramma outside in the "quick sand" by the sandbox and brought both Gramma and Poppa to his "restaurant", where he served them some "tea" (all taking place at the playground down the street). In the afternoon, Poppa and Tom took Jack on a special outing to get his own set of golf clubs and show him how to hit a few balls in the backyard. They are adorable! Will impressed everyone with how well he can pull himself up to standing and cruise along the furniture. Unfortunately his top two front teeth are trying to make an appearance and it has left him a little more cranky than usual. 

On Sunday, we enjoyed a big breakfast and headed out to the Greenville Zoo. It was a beautiful day-clear blue skies, but windy and a little chilly with temperatures only in the 50's. We bundled up and still had a great time.

At the Zoo with Gramma

Will and the Giraffes

We saw lots of animals and heard lots of crazy noises. The monkeys were going wild! The zoo was very clean and all the exhibits had little benches for smaller kids to climb up and stand on to get a better look. Jack loved it. Just outside the zoo is a huge playground and picnic area called Cleveland Park. We, of course, had to make a stop here. Jack ran and jumped and climbed. Will enjoyed the swings and a bouncy tractor. We set up camp at a picnic table for a quick and windy lunch for the boys before heading back to our house.


Tom and I had planned to have a date night on Sunday night-taking full advantage of our babysitters. In the end, we decided to have a special afternoon with Jack and took him to see The Lorax in 3D. He wore his special glasses for the whole show (although he had to tip his head back a bit to keep them in place) and had a great time. It was a nice treat for us all. 

On Monday, Tom had to return to work. I took Jack for a follow up 3 year visit at our new pediatricians office. He did great and they confirmed everything we learned at the last visit. He is fine. His weight is more than fine. His eating will get better. He is just a 3 year old. I left with a few new tricks to try-primarily getting rid of graham crackers-yikes! I am not ready just yet for that! HA It will be a project to start in a few weeks. I decided that I would take Gramma and Poppa back to downtown Greenville to show them Falls Park and grab some lunch. It was again beautiful, but windy out. We had a nice lunch and headed to The Falls before getting ready to go to the airport. 

This is the only one where Jack was looking relatively normal. 

It was a great weekend, but of course, went by too quick. We hope that Gramma and Poppa enjoyed seeing our home and our town/city. It was fun to show them around and have them really see the boys in action. We look forward to our Skype dates and another visit soon! 

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