This past week was very busy! We made a few more trips to the Y, increasing Will's comfort level with Miss Phyllis at this point. Yay! My workouts are a little nicer to complete without worrying about him crying the whole time. We went to another story time at the library and enjoyed dancing, singing and playing instruments. Jack did NOT secure a drum this week-which I thought was going to lead to some tears, but he handled it well and made the best of his time with the maracas. :) I had prepped him the whole morning and ride over that "Sometimes we get a drum, and sometimes we don't-but we can still have fun!"
We were blessed with lots of sunshine and took advantage of it. I left my To Do list gathering dust on the counter, the floors gathering a few extra Cheerios, and the laundry piling up a little more than usual. I just couldn't bring myself to be inside that much. We actually brought the water table out when the temperature went up into the 70's. What a nice treat!
We went on our first road trip since arriving and drove to Charlotte to the
Children's Museum. We met my friend Lauren (aka-Auntie Ed) and her daughter Anabel (1 month older than Will). It was an hour and half drive for both of us and both boys did great. Will was able to catch his morning nap during the ride and he was very happy most of the time in the museum. Jack enjoyed looking out the window at the farms we passed along the way and was anxious to point out "The Peach Butt"-a water tower in Gaffney, SC that is painted to look like a peach, but at a certain angle, looks like a big butt. Jack, of course, finds this HYSTERICAL. One of the things I was most looking forward to with our move to SC was the ability to get together with a few of my college girlfriends a little more frequently. Since I am not working, I wanted to take full advantage of my open schedule and make the time to meet up. Will and Anabel last saw each other over the summer when they were 3 months and 4 months. It was really great to get to see them both, swap some mommy tips, see the kids interact a little and just catch up.
The children's museum was AMAZING! First, it was super clean! Second, there was so much to see and do. Jack had a blast running from exhibit to exhibit. There was even a great area for Will and Anabel to play. Unfortunately, Jack did not want to stay in the "baby" area for too long, so Will and Anabel were forced to hop back into their strollers or loving Mama arms while Jack ran around. We stayed for about and hour and a half. Since we got there right when it opened at 9am, we basically had the place to ourselves. By 10:30am, the buses of school age kids started arriving, I started to feel like Jack was getting lost in a sea of kids and little ones were starting to squirm a little more so we decided to call it quits. Jack was NOT A HAPPY CAMPER! There were tears and stomping and pouting. I guess that means it was a successful trip! He had such a blast and we did not even get a chance to check out the second level.
On the Move! |
Awesome firetruck to play on |
Water table fun |
Will and Anabel splashing around. |
Jack getting in on the water fun too. |
The water table in the baby area was great! These seats allowed them to be up close and personal with the water, while giving our arms a little rest. The aprons were a little big and I dipped Will's into the water as I was trying to put it on him-oops-negating the whole point of them! :)
Jack in his glory-on the Octonauts Submarine! |
As I mentioned in the last post, Jack is newly OBSESSED with
The Octonauts on Disney Junior. It is a very cute show that tells the tale of a group of animals that work on a submarine to save under sea creatures from all sorts of "disasters". Each episode focuses on a new type of underwater creature. The underwater room at the children's museum was a dream come true for him. He was "calling all octonauts to the HQ". This room gave Lauren and I a quick chance to have some catch up chatter while he was running from the submarine to the sunken ship to the octopus.
We ended our morning adventure with a trip to Starbucks where Lauren and I fed the babies and Jack their lunch while we chatted. We meant to buy food, snacks or something while we took up a table and made a mess of the floor with puffs, goldfish crackers and baby food, but we ended up leaving an hour or so later with just the kids! Thanks Starbucks!!
The ride home was quiet with my babies asleep as soon as we hit the highway. Thanks Auntie Ed for meeting us on your day off and playing at the museum. We can't wait to go back! Maybe next time we can bring Tom ;).